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An increase in temperature puts older persons at risk for heat-related diseases



Cedar Rapids, Iowa – Individuals 65 years of age and above are particularly susceptible to the effects of rising temperatures.

According to Dr. Clete Younger, changes in a person’s circumstances, such as medications or medical problems, might affect how their body responds to heat.

According to him, staying hydrated in hot weather is essential.

You are more likely to become dehydrated in really hot weather. Dehydration is 20–30% more common in older persons, according to National Institutes of Health research published in 20–22.

Dehydration increases the risk of developing a urinary tract infection.

“People don’t want to get urinary tract infections, that is not a pleasant experience. Staying hydrated and keeping your kidney’s working and flushing your bladder actually reduces the risk of that. We think a lot of these immediate health things like heatstroke or feeling dizzy, or falling down. but there are actually infection-related risks in the summer and it’s urinary tract infections.”

He claims that the best options for remaining hydrated are water or low-calorie, sugar- and salt-free hydration drinks.


