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Blanket making party benefits Project Linus

Cedar Rapids, Iowa – Crystal Ellis was searching for a way to give back over the holidays more than a decade ago.
She discovered Project Linus, a nationwide nonprofit with a local chapter in Eastern Iowa, after conducting some research.
“Offering freshly made blankets to children who are sick, traumatized, or in need in any other way.” “Anywhere there is a child in need in our community, it could be foster homes, social workers, facilities, clinics, or anything similar,” Ellis added.
She began creating tie blankets on her friend’s kitchen table, and according to Ellis, it has expanded into something more than she could have ever dreamed over the years.
On Saturday, the 12th Annual Tie Blanket Making Party took place at Salem United Methodist Church, where attendees gathered to create as many blankets as they could.
It’s a truly wonderful feeling, and I’d estimate that on average, there are roughly 100 children whose lives will be impacted. Although you are unable to meet the children, it is quite wonderful when attendees say, “Oh, I came because, you know, my kid got a Project Linus blanket,” and you respond, “Oh, thank you.” Ellis stated, “So it just kind of… it just means a lot to people.”
This year, 181 blankets were produced by the event.
According to Ellis, the occasion provides an excellent means of promoting Project Linus.
Getting people together is just cool, and when they learn about Project Linus, they always ask what else we can do. She asked, “How much more can we do to help?”
assisting in providing children with comfort throughout their time of need in addition to keeping them warm.
“We are here on this planet to help, serve, and give to others. It is our responsibility to assist. And you should help if you can, whether it’s with children, animals, or anything else. Ellis added, “It just kind of touches your heart to see people come and volunteer their time, donate money, donate fleece, or bat it.”
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