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January lull in alcohol sales pushes business owners to look elsewhere



Cedar Rapids, Iowa – For a number of reasons, many pubs and restaurants experience a slowdown in alcohol sales in January.

Some companies, though, are attempting to attract customers in different ways.

At North Liberty’s Field Day Brewing Company, the drinks are flowing a bit more slowly than at many taverns and restaurants. Alec Travis, the job owner, stated that it was quite unexpected when they encountered their first January of the previous year.

“Seeing that level drop that fast was unexpected,” he remarked. “It’s similar to turning on a switch.”

More seats were vacant for a number of reasons, according to Travis. After the holidays, some people paid off their credit cards, others set resolutions for the new year, while still others participated in “Dry January.” Everything has a cost.

“We have to survive as much as the next person because we’re still a small local business,” he stated.

Staying in business, he argued, meant offering customers more than just alcohol. Bowling, live music, mocktails, and a new line of THC cocktails were all offered in his fully equipped-kitchen this year.

Beyond perhaps simply those alcohol sales, Travis stated, “We’re always hoping that you create an environment or space that drives people to you.”

According to Travis, this decreasing tendency usually continues until February. He wants to create an atmosphere that more people can enjoy in the interim.

“Offering choices for ourselves while also extending that welcoming element to all customers,” Travis stated.


