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Seminole Valley Farm Museum near Cedar Rapids honors history



Cedar Rapids, Iowa – Over the course of this past weekend, visitors to the Seminole Valley Farm Museum went back in time to recall World War II.

The purpose of this weekend was to pay tribute to those who participated in the military and those who were civilians during World War II. Due to the fact that this year marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the organizers believe it is essential to recall the sacrifices that were made.

Around the perimeter of the Seminole Valley Farm Museum, there are examples of weapons, equipment, and vehicles from both World War II and Vietnam that have been displayed.

Guests might be provided with an explanation of the history behind the items by reenactors who were stationed around the grounds.

Not only is it essential to remember what occurred during these battles, but it is also essential to engage young people in the study of history, according to the organizers.

They claim that history repeats itself in cycles. According to Dave Pasbrig, who is in charge of coordinating the event, “it has a tendency to go around and around, and those who do not remember it are predestined to repeat it.” “They may have read about it in a book, but out here you can actually see it, hold it, know the weight, know what it’s like, and it allows that connection to that history,” the speaker said.

This weekend, a percentage of the funds that were gathered will be given to the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight, which assists in transporting veterans to the nation’s capital.




