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The parks and recreation department in Cedar Rapids is seeking for seasonal positions



Cedar Rapids, Iowa – For its spring and summer seasonal staffing, the Cedar Rapids Department of Parks & Recreation is currently accepting applications.

According to the Parks and Recreation Department, almost 400 seasonal workers are required to manage all of its programs and facilities.

The department is searching for a number of jobs, including coaches, maintenance personnel, and lifeguards.

On Friday afternoon, Parks and Recreation held a job fair and interviewed scores of prospective candidates.

According to one program director, the job fairs are essential to maintaining a fully staffed department. Pool openings in the summer of 2021 had to be spaced out because of a lack of personnel.

The Cedar Rapids Parks and Rec Aquatics Program Director Brian Ruffles stated, “We’ve been fortunate to have our pools staffed the last three summers, so we’ve had them all open. However, if we don’t have enough lifeguards then pools start closing.”

Next Friday from 2 to 6 p.m., Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation will host another job fair at the Ellis golf course.


